
Thursday, February 3

Day 8 _ Places I've been

I keep hearing the Beatles song in my head, "there are places I remember, all of my life..."

Here is a photographic smattering of some of the ones that stand out in my mind. There are many, many more that I didn't fit into the template, like, San Diego, Rhode Island, Maine, Cape cod, Boston... well, anyway, here is the graphic below. The mystery place is my home town, Myrtle Beach, SC:



  1. Oh, I love this!?!? I want to go to some of those places..and others I've been to. (Okay, Only Disney!?!?)

  2. what a grand idea to show us where you've been. hmmm...may have to go and redo mine.

  3. Thanks guys, if you counted the last 4 years, it would be: Gramma's, Pop-Pop & Nanas, work, home. LOL LOL

  4. So jealous of all the wonderful places you have been. Maybe someday when I'm done raising all these darn kids. lol

  5. Great layout! Love how you've laid out your travels.


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