
Monday, January 3

Free Photoshop Print Safety Action

Tis the season to print your photobooks, isn't it?

I recently received a free 8 x 8 book from
Shutterfly and that prompted me to create an action to convert all of my layouts over to be printed.

What is an Action?
It is a photohop add-on that allows you to automatically perform tasks that you do over and over again. The files have the .atn suffix and can be 'loaded' into your photoshop
actions palette.

Why do I need to do that?
For some reason, even though we create our LOs in the proper proportion, there is about a 10% drop off on the outer edges of the page. Weird, huh? What you want to do is collect all the layers of your project except for the backgrounds and scoot them down (ctrl/cmd T) so that they fall within this 'safe' area (ergo the 'safety').

To save you the time and guesswork of determining where to move your LO elements, I've created an action that automatically drops in a guide 10% into your canvas.

here to download. And enjoy!

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