
Sunday, November 14

Busy, Busy, Busy

Somehow, I hear that character from one of the Christmas claymation movies in my head when I write that title. lol (I only wish I could describe him better so you'd hear it, too. lol)

I started this blog to chart my progress and have a running gallery of my pages and work. But I've gotten so into the layouts themselves and in the communities of the scrapping sites, that I've neglected this blog.

Aside from a few random posts and uploads of a few pages, I haven't kepts up with my online scrapping journal at all. So, here are the cliff notes of what's been going on:

I am now on 4 Creative Teams (CTs):

Ing Lim's iScrap over at MScraps - love her philosphy (if thats what you call it) about her team, she's uber laid back, and I love her designs. They are sooo my tastes, right out of the box. This is brand new, so I haven't done much with her, yet, but I just downloaded the new kits. Beautiful. If I were to describe her style I would say Modern Elegant. (now that I write that... I am neither modern nor elegant, so its odd that her work speaks to me so much! lol)

Chelle's Creations (November Guest) at ScrapMatters- She has got great stuff. I mean GREAT. And she keeps a very active forum, which has to be her influence because she is active on there, too. The women on her team all seem to know each other as if they do in real life. Her's feels very much like a 'scrap-circle' (I made up that term - but hopefully, you know what I mean; much like a quilting bee where they all sit around, stitch and chat). Being on her team has a lot of responsibilities and they really help me stretch. This was the first CT I applied for. I got accepted as a guest and I've been waiting for months for Nov. to arrive. This is the only CT I share with Jenn - so its extra fun for me.

If I were to describe Chelle's stash, I'd have to say: Complete. She has tons of elements, tons of papers, her word art is one of the best I've seen. She literally has something for everyone.

on a side note, I'm hoping she asks me to stay on. I really love her store but I really love being part of her team. There's a lot going on and everyone is sooo helpful and friendly.

Sherry Ferguson Designs at Gotta Pixel is my first 'big store' designer. Sherry is a laid back designer with something for everyone. Her kits are really nice and versatile. I found I could use one kit in a variety of layouts and you wouldn't know I didn't have different kits. Her color palettes are really well thought out and tie together really well. Her elements are really fun. She has a lot of great patterned papers and her doodles are super cute.

I would describe Sherry's store as the place anyone can go. She has lots of different kits but they are chock full of stuff: Lots of papers, lots of elements, etc. You never worry that there won't be enough to do a LO. You'll get plenty.

Simply Kelly Designs is run by Kelly Hedgepeth. I'm cyber friends with Kelly so I have lots to say about her. I read her blog faithfully because I just find her so interesting - example, she just went to NASA for a tweet-up. I love that she has such varied interests and lives such a full life. She is new to designing and I met her via Owl Tree Studios. When she started her store over at Digital Design Den, I didn't have any expectations, but I guess I thought she'd do kits mostly. She has turned into one of my favorite template designers. She's done some 2-pagers (in the design world, we call them 'spreads') that I LOVE and have recommended over and over.

Kelly is a very clean designer. Her work is uncluttered and simple- even her elegant kits are just that, simple. Maybe she chose her name intentionally.?? ;)

one side note here: The people at Digital Design Den are some of the friendliest people I've met in the scrapping world so far; surprisingly welcoming and seem so genuine. (I'm a jaded NYer now, I suppose).

The two teams I've said good-bye to are Owl Tree Studios and Le Pengouin Designs. Owl Tree Studios is a new store and I felt lucky to be a part of the start-up. Tiffany is a little powerhouse - I'm in awe of what she's doing at her age. I don't think I ever got it together enough when I was in my early 20s to start an endeavor like she has. I left because the CT format was changing and I didn't think I could keep up with the requirements. I didn't want to stay on and feel like I was scrambling and I was also having problems with the site hanging, then crashing - which made it really hard to participate in the discussions and view things. Which always made me feel like I was lagging behind. I found out later it was a browser issue. Who knew.

As for Adi at Le Pengouin Designs, she is a super lovely lady with a LOT going on and a few hurdles that she has to jump, so she's closed her store for a bit. I was not with her as long as her other CTs but she seems like a great girl and I hope she gets everything settled.

So, that's it. That's my CT tally and the synopsis of what they're like/about.

I'm vowing to keep this blog up better. You heard it hear first.;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your kind words Linda! I am very happy that you are on my creative team! :)


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