Wednesday, December 15
Holiday Gifts for the Photographer in Your Life
Thursday, December 9
Portable North Pole
I love, love, love this site. We did it last year and Tyler was amazed. I can't wait to see his face when he see's his photos and Santa's message to be a good boy.
Click here to go to the Portable North Pole
Wednesday, December 8
I'm a Cheer Chick!
The great part about that is that its something that I do all the time anyway, just not as vigorously. Now I do it, am part of a great community of women with similar interests, and I get a little something for my efforts.
The other cool thing is that MScraps has just started this group so I'm part of the pioneer launch of cheering. Perfect timing, too since its the Cheer time of the year - holiday season!
Friday, December 3
Free Silhouette Template

What can you do with it?
Print or buy your own papers and use that as the base to cut from. Here is an example using HayNay designs. My files are all over the place so I don't recall which kit. But see how cute it can look?

Silhouette SD
I typed in Tyler's name and cut it out of copier paper. That was fun - and I hadn't even done anything with it, yet! Then I wanted to see how it cuts a custom design, so I pulled a jpg I had on my harddrive and voila! so easy and so cool!
Here is my 'test run':
No credits, I downloaded this card online, the papers are construction and copier paper... but that's part of what's so cool - nothing special needed!
I chose the Silhouette because I wanted a die cutting machine that would do what I wanted, not what some cartridge supplied. And I didn't want to have to buy catridges. I went to art school - I can design my own stuff and I have the internet to download what I'm too lazy to design. I wanted the flexibility to do what I want to do.
Wait -- did I say.. I LOVE IT? lol
I'm working out how to do all the things I think its capable of. I'll be back on with more goodies as soon as I get some done.
Wednesday, December 1
I Love Rides!
Here is a layout I did using Simply Kelly Design's latest template (15 photo layered template) and just about every kit in my stash. I've gotten a lot of ribbing on the length of my credits. lol
It is also my last layout for my November guest CT spot for Chelle's Creations. And not to be overlooked, I also used some of the awesome stuff from my other CT designer, Sherry Ferguson Designs.

and :::rolling up my sleeves::: here are my credits:
Template:15 photo layered template by Simply Kelly Designs
Papers:Ticket To Ride by Chelle’s Creations
Cool Dude by Sherry Ferguson Designs
Bikini Season by Lynne Marie
Future Star by Spinky Dink Scraps
Playdate by RL
Hunk O’Tin by Spinky Dink Scraps
Elements:Ticket To Ride by Chelle’s Creations
Doodle Frames by Chelle’s Creations
Stitch Me Up by Chelle’s Creations
Little Engineer by Spinky Dink Scraps
Hunk O’Tin by Spinky Dink Scraps
Aydens Adventure by Colie’s Corner
Toolshed by Colie’s Corner
Play Stamp by Katie Pertiet
A Little Pot
Here is Kelly's Template. ON SALE TODAY!
Tuesday, November 30
Holiday fun
Snow Fun Bundle by Sherry Ferguson Designs BTW, this bundle includes Snow Fun the Flakes that you can buy on its own. I have use that sooo many times. Its a great way to tie a whole page together. So versatile.

Special Thanks to my wonderful husband who helped me hand cut each of these little elves and other elements.
Monday, November 29
Cyber Monday Freebie on Simply Kelly Designs
Tomorrow, pop on over to Simply Kelly Design's blog for a freebie. Who doesn't like a freebie?
Check it is a preview

Sometimes You Have a Block (part 2)
I have problems with clutter (I know, you'd never know to look at my desk, huh?) on a layout and I don't know how to clean up a multi-photo template, so it always takes me soooo much longer. That plus all the stuff weighing on me, I just couldn't wrap my head around this. Then we took my son to this 'nature' talk thing with the Monmouth Park system and the photos were just made for the layout so I searched for an artsy-craftsy kit. Then I thought I'd play around and made Kelly's circle into a Turtle ... and it all just came together. Whew!
I used Sherry Ferguson's kit Creative Minds
Turtle Time
Here is the template by Simply Kelly Designs
and the Creative Minds kit by Sherry Ferguson
I Scrap for iScrap
As I mentioned last week, I started on a new CT team for a really cool lady and her store, iScrap. She has a very clean, grown-up style. Here are a couple of pages I made using her Big World Template (which said it was quick pages, but I was able to totally manipulate) and This Moment kit, both on sale now at Mscraps.
Being Boys
Pop Pop's Garden
(and, yes, I see the typo, now -- I just gotta go back in and fix it. )
iScrap has some really beautiful work. Here are the kits:
Big World Quickpage (I know it says Quickpage, but I totally manipulated the pages in Photoshop)
This Moment
And after going back into her store, I'm wondering if I was supposed to use the Big World Kit or the Templates, so, here is the Kit... I'm going to go back and do a layout with it, just in case. lol
Snow Club using Holly Jolly Holiday kit
Using Chelle's Creations' Holly Jolly Holiday... an UBER cute kit - even if I only have a boy, I'm still happy with the layouts I created using this.
And just as cute, CT member Kassie created a really adorable blogwear kit for her (now on sale at ScrapMatters for Black Friday/Cyber Monday)
Friday, November 19
There was so much to learn and there seemed to be a language and rules that I didn't understand. It was almost like joining a new school in your Jr. year. Everyone else had settled in and had their groove and their little circle. I was posting things that, now, surely sounded like I was either a dope or ON dope. But, who knew? and no one told me otherwise.
I've never been shy so I tend to jump right in - maybe make mistakes, and get over them. But everyone isn't the same. Some would like a little more guidance. So I thought I'd lend the wisdom of my 4 months to those who might be just starting out. I'm looking at tapping into some of my online veteran scrapping friends to help out in areas I lack. So it should be fun, informative and if nothing else, have some examples that may shed some light or inspire you.
Stay tuned for my Newbie Blog-torial - I'm loosely calling it Digi-scrapping 101.
::: gulp ::: I posted so I really have to do this!
Thursday, November 18
Gotta Pixel LOTD!
I used Simply Kelly Design's 7 photo layered template and Spinky Dink Scrap's Little Engineer Kit.
Here is a grab of the page:
Sometimes you have a block
Designers count on you to make layouts for them to promote their kits, templates, designs, etc. So, when you toss up a haphazard layout or worse... can't seem to get it done - it really lets them down. So, I really try to do something that I'm not only proud of but also something that showcases as much of their supplies as possible. Also, your work posts in their galleries, so its up there for posterity and represents your body of work.
I think it was that I have this 2011 calendar that I want to complete and its looming over my head. I've done one... maybe 2... pages. I gotta get moving on it.
So, here is my one single calendar page:
Calendar Bottom Templates Dotted by Graham Like the Cracker
Ho Ho Ho by Chelle's Creations
Stitch Me Up Dated Neutrals , Doodles Border It, Doodles Frame Mat It by Chelle's Creations
Newsie’s Alpha by Chelle's Creations
Wednesday, November 17
Sherry Ferguson Designs - Featured Designer on Gotta Pixel
Snow Bundle - 30% off!
I'll try to get a preview to show you soon!
Sunday, November 14
Busy, Busy, Busy
I started this blog to chart my progress and have a running gallery of my pages and work. But I've gotten so into the layouts themselves and in the communities of the scrapping sites, that I've neglected this blog.
Aside from a few random posts and uploads of a few pages, I haven't kepts up with my online scrapping journal at all. So, here are the cliff notes of what's been going on:
I am now on 4 Creative Teams (CTs):
Ing Lim's iScrap over at MScraps - love her philosphy (if thats what you call it) about her team, she's uber laid back, and I love her designs. They are sooo my tastes, right out of the box. This is brand new, so I haven't done much with her, yet, but I just downloaded the new kits. Beautiful. If I were to describe her style I would say Modern Elegant. (now that I write that... I am neither modern nor elegant, so its odd that her work speaks to me so much! lol)
Chelle's Creations (November Guest) at ScrapMatters- She has got great stuff. I mean GREAT. And she keeps a very active forum, which has to be her influence because she is active on there, too. The women on her team all seem to know each other as if they do in real life. Her's feels very much like a 'scrap-circle' (I made up that term - but hopefully, you know what I mean; much like a quilting bee where they all sit around, stitch and chat). Being on her team has a lot of responsibilities and they really help me stretch. This was the first CT I applied for. I got accepted as a guest and I've been waiting for months for Nov. to arrive. This is the only CT I share with Jenn - so its extra fun for me.
If I were to describe Chelle's stash, I'd have to say: Complete. She has tons of elements, tons of papers, her word art is one of the best I've seen. She literally has something for everyone.
on a side note, I'm hoping she asks me to stay on. I really love her store but I really love being part of her team. There's a lot going on and everyone is sooo helpful and friendly.
Sherry Ferguson Designs at Gotta Pixel is my first 'big store' designer. Sherry is a laid back designer with something for everyone. Her kits are really nice and versatile. I found I could use one kit in a variety of layouts and you wouldn't know I didn't have different kits. Her color palettes are really well thought out and tie together really well. Her elements are really fun. She has a lot of great patterned papers and her doodles are super cute.
I would describe Sherry's store as the place anyone can go. She has lots of different kits but they are chock full of stuff: Lots of papers, lots of elements, etc. You never worry that there won't be enough to do a LO. You'll get plenty.
Simply Kelly Designs is run by Kelly Hedgepeth. I'm cyber friends with Kelly so I have lots to say about her. I read her blog faithfully because I just find her so interesting - example, she just went to NASA for a tweet-up. I love that she has such varied interests and lives such a full life. She is new to designing and I met her via Owl Tree Studios. When she started her store over at Digital Design Den, I didn't have any expectations, but I guess I thought she'd do kits mostly. She has turned into one of my favorite template designers. She's done some 2-pagers (in the design world, we call them 'spreads') that I LOVE and have recommended over and over.
Kelly is a very clean designer. Her work is uncluttered and simple- even her elegant kits are just that, simple. Maybe she chose her name intentionally.?? ;)
one side note here: The people at Digital Design Den are some of the friendliest people I've met in the scrapping world so far; surprisingly welcoming and seem so genuine. (I'm a jaded NYer now, I suppose).
The two teams I've said good-bye to are Owl Tree Studios and Le Pengouin Designs. Owl Tree Studios is a new store and I felt lucky to be a part of the start-up. Tiffany is a little powerhouse - I'm in awe of what she's doing at her age. I don't think I ever got it together enough when I was in my early 20s to start an endeavor like she has. I left because the CT format was changing and I didn't think I could keep up with the requirements. I didn't want to stay on and feel like I was scrambling and I was also having problems with the site hanging, then crashing - which made it really hard to participate in the discussions and view things. Which always made me feel like I was lagging behind. I found out later it was a browser issue. Who knew.
As for Adi at Le Pengouin Designs, she is a super lovely lady with a LOT going on and a few hurdles that she has to jump, so she's closed her store for a bit. I was not with her as long as her other CTs but she seems like a great girl and I hope she gets everything settled.
So, that's it. That's my CT tally and the synopsis of what they're like/about.
I'm vowing to keep this blog up better. You heard it hear first.;)
Thursday, November 11
She has some really fun templates - now $1
The rest of her store is 40% off.
That's a LOT to be thankful for.
Go now and take advantage of her Thankful Sale, just in time for your holiday memories.
And a Blog hop, too... Follow them for some free Christmast stash! You can start here at Kelly's blog for Simply Kelly Designs.

Tuesday, November 2
I'm not exactly sure what that means, yet. But I'm sure I'll learn. :)
Here is a layout I did with her grab bag (kit link not available, yet) using Le Penguoin Design's Lots of Papers template.
Friday, October 29
My Chelle's Creations guest CT post has FINALLY come
So I went a little crazy (being sick and even tho I worked pretty solidly, I didn't have to commute, so I made extra time to scrap) and downloaded 2 kits back to back and even (eeek!) tried my first hybrid. It was so much fun, taking something I usually only do digitally and translating it to something I was going to have to do from scratch. It brightened up my sickly day. :)
I love the colors she used in this kit. And they match the Rolling Hills colors. I haven't planned out that book yet, but I'm sure there will be lots of yellow and blue, so I may use this kit over and over for that book. :)
Wednesday, October 27
Shoo flu or should I say, bed bugs?
Tyler's getting older - just old enough to understand that I'm going away, not quite old enough to process it. So, on night one, we try to Skype with him. He's all excited to talk to me and then -- you can see it like when someone crashes from a sugar high - he spirals. It took hours after we hung up for my hubby and his folks to calm him down. In fact, his exact words to me were, "Mama?"
"Yes, son?"
"Come home. NOW."
To say he had a hard time with my trip is an understatement. After I came home and gave him lots of snuggle-time, he still woke up with a nightmare that I didn't want him anymore. Great.
So, that was #1.
#2: I got bed bug bites while I was down there. Yes, Bed Bugs. ugh. They started popping up a few at a time. I'm a feast for bugs for some reason, so I didn't think anything of it. Then one of our VPs went to the Dr for her bites - she had tons more and all over her arms and face - and he confirmed she'd been bitten by bed bugs. Yet, I still didn't think that's what I had, until I went to the Dr. for a cold that felt like it was turning to bronchitis. Sure enough. They were bed bug bites.
Unless you've lived it, you can't even imagine the horror of thinking that you may have brought these things into your home. I rewashed every article of clothing in boiling water - even the silks and delicates. Washed all the linens, put my suitcases out in the garage (hoping for an overnight freeze - which would do what exactly I had no idea). Then I called an exterminator who sent me tons of info but didn't diagnose bed bugs. So I ended up calling a professional dog sniffer (I keep calling it that, but it was really a man with a dog who sniffed - not a man who sniffed dogs). $400 and a few days later, I found out I was bug free. But the trauma has already taken root. I feel itchy everytime I sit or lay down. I'm convinced that something is crawling on me all the time. Every hair that blows across my skin is a swarm of something. Its hard to sleep with that anticipation of sheets of bugs that you can't see. And when I do sleep, I dream of bugs. Its horrible and debilitating. And its happening to almost everyone I traveled with.
88 of us went on this trip. So far, 2 of us had dr. confirmed bites. I can't count the number of people that just threw out their belongings - just in case. 2 women got their dog sniffer and was found to have bed bugs in their homes - or activity, whatever that is. The hotel is willing to pay for those 2 women's homes to be exterminated (around $7,ooo), but they are making noise about paying me and the others for our sniffers. I have many next steps in my pocket if they choose not to do the right thing and reimburse the guests. But I hope it doesn't come to that.
And to top it all off, after 'abandoning' my child for 4 days, I come back fighting a cold that I caught on day 1 - when we had an outdoor dinner where the propane heater by MY table went out, and in the beautiful curve of the pool side, beach front restaurant we ate at, my table was nearly on the sand - so we got constant, whipping breezes. I lost the fight and the cold came on Thursday. I went to the Dr. on Friday - which is when he said I definitely had bed bug bites. And bronchitis.
I slept the rest of that day, and the next 3 days. Now its day 4 of the cold, day 8 of being an essentially absentee mommy, and I can't sleep because of the bug-factor, I'm shivering and sweating from this flu-like bug I have. I've still got lots of work that I'm trying to muster the mental facaulties to comprehend. And I don't want to take any more codiene because it knocks me out so hard.
I thought trifectas were supposed to be a good thing.
Tuesday, October 19
Bear with me...
Sunday, September 26
Online Scrapping Classes at Jessica Sprague
I'm taking a Jessica Sprague class on designing Blogger backgrounds, etc. I think its a well put together class and easy to follow. I think anyone starting out in digital scrapping should take a look at her site.They have a range of classes from beginner on up. I can't vouch for the advanced classes myself but the beginner ones seem pretty easy. And if you're shy to start and plop down cash, they have a free one to test. They also have some cheaper ones on Fridays.
My review of Jessica Sprague overall is a thumbs up. They are well put together and chopped up into segments so that you can really explore them at your own pace on your own time. I love that. They are also supported by an active forum of other classmates.
All of that said, I do have to admit, I skipped to the last 2 sessions because I already knew the first 2/3s.
This, of course makes me wonder if it was worth the $$ to take it. Maybe I didn't get the full value of the class but I can't complain since I waste money on useless thing all the time, and the class wasn't useless, it was just more remedial for me. Besides, I got a template to design from, I got helpful hints on navigating Blogger, and I have a lifetime resource on it should I need to help any of my friends start their own blog.
My only wish is that the course description was a little more detailed so that I would have known to skip the $40 and maybe take a different class.
That is MY personal experience, but I really think, if you've been considering taking a class online, you should check her out.
Friday, September 3
Addyson and Tyler (Baby Basics layouts)
Baby Addyson
Tyler (back when he was a baby)
New Designer - Simply Kelly Designs
You can buy these and more at her store.

Wednesday, September 1
Owl Tree Studio September Layouts
Here are the kits below... cute, huh?
Thursday, August 26
Owl Tree Studio - Scrapporreia Free Template
If you are already a member of Owl Tree Studio, go check out my blog post and freebie giveaway. I stuffed it full of a combo of things... and I think the awesome QA team over there was able to actually include my full layered template. I may go download it (even tho I have all the original files) just to see. All the shadows are separate files - so you can use them, move them, or hide them. I included word art and the elements and papers from the August Owl Tree kits that I used, so you don't have to open a bunch of files, either if you just want to modify what I did.
The only way you can view my blog is to join Owl Tree Studios this month, so barring that, I wanted to show a screen shot. You won't be able to read it - you'll need to join for that, but you can see my images.
How cool is that? I'm `net published. tee hee.
Wednesday, August 25
Dude Time
The blog went live today (on the private site - so I can't link to it) AND today is his birthday... Happy Birthday, Dude! This is my gift to you....
Beach Breeze Collab: GirlBoyGirl Designs, Wild Blueberry Ink
GirlBoyGirl Designs FeelinGood
Owl Tree Studio August Collab: WBI
Scatter rings (extracted from) GirlBoyGirl Designs-FeelinGood buttons
Monday, August 23
Winter Moments with Mom
Val C Designs/Collab_Fractiondeseconde
JW Digiscraps
Walkway ultrabold/black
My OTS blog goes live Wednesday
I'll try to Snag it and post my page anyway, because the point of starting this blog was to journal my progress and things I do related to scrapping. And I want a 'record' of it.
Sunday, August 22
Daddy - 1970s

All from Gotta Pixel's Inds blogtrain
Syrin Summeresque
And the rest from Gotta Pixel's Inds blogtrain
Frutiger bold, Besign, Brickham script pro
Tuesday, August 17
Forever and Ever
Wednesday, August 11
Le Pingouin Designs
She is a template designer and a fellow Southerner (well, for now until Uncle Sam moves her, anyway) so she's really laid back and great to work for.
Take a look at my first layouts for her.
I was cleaning out a cabinet and found photos from when Meredith and I went to FL for a quick weekend getaway. We hooked up with Lisa Marie and saw her uber adorable nearly 2 year old son, Jack. I couldn't resist snapping shots of him. I thought it would be perfect to take one of those 2003 photos and use them in a page for her.
When I emailed Lisa to ask her permission to use the shot on my blog, on the digital sites, etc, she said that she'd always wanted to get into digital scrapbooking. How fun to pass along my new hobby skills to an old friend!
Collab Fraction De Seconde Click
Owl Tree Studio] August Collaboration
Thursday, August 5
3 Individually Created Designer Kits
3 Designer Bonus Items (examples include frame packs, brush sets, Alpha packs, etc)
16+ quick pages created by our creative team
2 project tutorials that walk you through the process of using our digital goodies for tangible crafts
Unannounced goodies throughout the month, including page templates
Tuesday, August 3
Backyard Camp Out
![]() |
BACKYARD CAMPOUT Gotta Pixel's All Stacked Up Challenge TEMPLATE Captivated Visions/August 2010 Gotta Pixel All Stacked Up Challenge PAPERS Spencer Nugent/London Bridge Argyle & Plaids Capitvated Visions/Off The Beaten Path Beach Breezes Owl Tree Studio collaborative Kit/ GirlBoyGirl Designs ELEMENTS Jen Allyson/Vanity Fair Capitvated Visions/Off The Beaten Path Capitvated Visions/It Takes A Real Man FONTS Arial (family) Jailbird Jenna Milktop Girl |
Finally, its here! Owl Tree Studios
Well, for those of us behind the scenes, the weekend of technical glitches were making us all fidgety. But they were all worked out and Owl Tree Studios is finally open. For those of you who signed up to get free memberships, good luck! (I think some of the designers have already selected their winners, but I'm not sure everyone has - or that winners were notified).
I can now finally show the layouts that I've done. You can check out the kit previews on Owl Tree Studio's site. The first page was done with Wild Blueberry Ink.'s Sweet Baby, and the Cars one is from the August Collaborative Kit. I just noticed that on Wild Blueberry's site, she is giving away free photo masks that go with the kit. Whoo hoo... free is for me! :)
Keep an eye out, at the end of the month, I'm giving away a template on the site! :)